Monday, June 14, 2010

Hoover Dam

And an oil change.

For the record, the natural disasters persist: flash floods in AK and OK. Better yet, swarms of bees came out it Las Vegas. Huzzah!

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  1. Pretty badass. Where are you headed next?

  2. Guys ... just stop traveling. God is trying to smite you, and you're causing devastation across the country for this trip. Don't come home either, weather's pretty good here. Be Safe!

  3. I'll be sure NOT to be following in the wake of destruction. Agreed, BE SAFE!

  4. Anthony is trying to get you killed, if you stop, the darkness will find you. Guess it's camping in Al's car forever for you guys.

  5. shit... we are following you guys in like 2 weeks... way to make the route that much more complicated.. haha

  6. looks like a dam good time. sorry, but no one made a dam joke yet.
